The construction of the new King Husein School is underway, marking a significant milestone in Madera Unified’s educational journey. The project, which broke ground in August 2024, is set to…
La lista de Schindler, la exitosa película de Stephen Spielberg de 1993 sobre cómo un empresario nazi se tocó el corazón y salvó a más de mil judíos de las…
Schindler’s List, Stephen Spielberg’s 1993 blockbuster movie on how one Nazi businessman found his soul and saved more than one thousand Jews from the gas chambers, will be the background…
Como Director del Departamento Comunitario de Atletismo y Recreación o C.A.R.D. por sus siglas en inglés del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Madera (MUSD), estoy encantado de compartir el increíble impacto…
As the Director of the Community Athletics & Recreation Department (C.A.R.D.) at Madera Unified School District, I’m thrilled to share the incredible impact our new department is making on the…
El Festival de Teatro de Madera es un evento anual de primer nivel que celebra la creatividad y el talento de los entusiastas del teatro de la escuela secundaria y…
The Madera Theatre Festival is a premier annual event celebrating the creativity and talent of middle and high school theatre enthusiasts. Held over two days, this festival offers students a…
Construyendo enfoque y cultivando amistades en nuestras escuelas Nos complace presentar una iniciativa llamada Desconectar para Reconectar, que ya ha tenido un gran éxito en nuestras escuelas intermedias desde su…
Building Focus and Cultivating Friendships in Our Schools We are excited to introduce an initiative called Disconnect to Reconnect, which has already seen great success in our middle schools since…