Dear Parents,
We want to inform you about upcoming changes to California law regarding cell phone use in schools, and how our district will implement these changes ahead of the legislative deadline. Starting in January, we will be restricting cell phone use during the school day in our elementary and middle schools. Research shows that schools across the nation that have limited cell phone access have seen improved academic growth, reduced disciplinary issues, and stronger student relationships. We believe these changes will foster a more positive learning environment for your children.
We also want to remind parents that everything happening on your child’s cell phone is within your rights and responsibilities to know. You pay thousands of dollars annually for devices that research indicates can diminish your child’s learning and social outcomes. We encourage you to monitor their phone usage and engage with them about responsible digital habits.
To support you through these changes, we will offer parents education on managing cell phone use and be here to ensure your child has an even healthier experience each day at school. We are committed to working with you, and there will be more information to come as we develop our plan.
Thank you for your partnership in making our schools safer and more focused on learning.
Todd Lile
Madera Unified School District